edit: SEPTEMBER (2020)
hey there,
“Who is that person who thinks that she is interesting to read about her?” - asks Malcolm Gladwell. Just wanted to share my feelings, I responded in my mind feeling cheeks overflow with heat. So, I will keep it short this time. Let me mention a couple of thoughts that were looping my brain these last months, and then I will zoom into JUNETHINGS updates. Instead of theories on life & fly fishing.
2020 is pure magic. Yes, I did already said it at least ten times. Stale energies seem to clear out. Rough and raw brings fresh ideas. The biggest revelation - this June, I unexpectedly realized that my life only began at 41, and the most important relationship is the one with yourself. Moreover, I noticed losing touch with my twenty-year-old self. I am still that wild easily frightened soul, but finally - sort of a grown-up version of it, not fixated on staying young forever, counting face changes and sorting my newest wrinkles into vertical or horizontal (the latter is more difficult to deal with, if you are wondering why). Smiling more. Flawed, full of incoherent and unrealistic, and fine with it.
The other challenge that I am still wrestling with - trying to switch from living in my head to living in my body. Lean into the chaos and surrender. Feelings are the language of your body. Virginia Woolf put it nicely: “I belong to quick, futile moments of intense feeling. Yes, I belong to moments. Not to people.” Moments, feelings, sparks of joy. Conversation between Eros and Logos. So much to explore.
Now, business: our sharpened styling approach borrows from Jungian analysis. In our styling sessions, we explore your “stuff” and habits through self-awareness, transformation, and actualization lense. We dive into the unconscious through the images and patterns that arise in your dreams, fantasies, memories, developmental history, creative expressions, and the events of daily life. It gives you more tools to make sense of your treasures, things, extensions, of all the external symbols of who you think you are. It allows you to recognize yourself in the archetypes that govern you, work through your shadows, making sense of what manages you, making it conscious, and liberating yourself of the energy clusters from the past. This work with clients is so satisfying and brings good emotions when seeing wonderful results every day.
Talk to you soon. x
// September 2020
AND here is my soothing list again:
1) The Earth Prelude of Ludovico Einaudi. You feel your body reacting each time he touches the piano.
2) Walking in the morning: one afternoon in June, I figured that I need to start moving. Otherwise, this lockdown will drive me into a turmoil. Even 10 minutes: walking - running - dancing to the music, makes you so much happier and less foggy.
3) Eating ice cream at 3 AM at night.
4) Going all masked-up to Farmer’s market on the weekends. Standing in the line circling 8 times around the block to enter.
5) This Phoenix song while awaiting for Sophia’s new movie.
6) Getting rid of all the uninspiring things in your space.
7) Not arguing and not contradicting for 10 days straight. Breaks your ego, and feels super sweet.
8) Smiling 24/7.
9) Meeting new people during the lockdown.
10) Sitting in fall grass on Bernal Heights, smelling the end of summer while touching soft bents with both of your palms.
+ visual board for September: