edit: APRIL (2021)
hey there,
Time to tackle the impossible. To define the feminine, I would go on for hours and probably would barely scratch the surface. Therefore, I ain't gonna do it. It’s definitely a minefield (or perhaps - a meadow of flowers 🌸). AND I am a bit too opinionated to get it right anyway.
But the question is so intriguing!! If you ask me how I explain the feminine - in a heartbeat I would say - it’s you (I think about all my girlfriends, my mom & grandmothers, and clients, girls who love my jewelry). Naked and authentic, dressed in whatever you like. It’s not a short skirt or a flowy dress, it has mostly nothing to do with how you look, but everything - with how you feel. If you are happy, this will reflect in your eyes.
So, after a long real-life based research, one night I sat down to craft this five-piece roadmap of my idea of femininity woven from the the visible and the feel >
> ACCEPT YOUR MASCULINITY. Wear those oversized pants if they give you coziness and confidence. I hope you are with someone who likes you the way your are and is very excited to take them off at the end of the day.
First of all, I should say - I am not a fan of this Eastern European idea of a perfect woman with a perfect make-up, tight skirt and pouty lips. Neither of a Californian stereotypical gal with long hair (love long hair by the way!) wearing a flawy dress and posing for her Instagram in Positano. Actually, I don’t have anything against the perfectly ironed locks, perfect skin, perfect nails, or the shoes coordinated with your bag (how is that feminine, you'd ask me). Yes, I saw all of it. It’s just not that interesting to me.
After years of being criticized for looking “not like everybody” (first time in the fifth grade by my best friend - why don’t you dress like everyone else?) and still doing it in my own way to oblivion, I figured that it starts in your head. What you think and what you do. Then it goes down to your heart - how you feel about everyone around you and how you build your external and internal boundaries. How you act courageously, how you aren't afraid of losing everything and starting again from scratch, and how vulnerable and genuine you are. That’s the main ingredient of my recipe. AND only then your locks and outfits come in. I know it doesn’t make sense, but wait and follow me here.
Less is more. Subtle versus overdone. Not sugary and girly - but heated and melting, not straightforward - or straightforward in a very genuine and a bit confusing way. In January, my friend told me that I had a nice ass (hello!!!? At 41!). I've never worn leggings outside my yoga class before the lockdown. But one day when wearing them, I met my girlfriend and she asked me why I didn't show myself more. Why wouldn’t you wear tight pants, animalistic prints, or at least remove that sweater from your behind? (I usually tie it around for the touch of casual). I was chewing this idea later: my guy can do anything he wants with my behind. Really, I would wear animal print panties for him, if he were into it, or would go gathering berries with my naked ass if he asked me to. But there's no way for the athletic wear to the groceries store where a random person in line at the seafood department would scan me up and down totally spoiling my mood. I just can’t stand it. I love knowing that I can surrender to those I care about, but everyone else is kept away. Is that me hiding? Or me being a control freak?
While growing up in a country of beautiful woman, I also had a lot of them in my family. My dad’s mother was this independent feminist with wavy short hair, chain smoking and driving around, hanging out with artists, knitting with her Virgo OCD neatness, pickling delicious winter squashes, and chasing her husband with a dictionary in a heated argument. My mom’s mom was this typical 60’s American housewife that also worked as a midwife because all women had to work in the ex-Soviet Union. She looked incredibly with her cheekbones and her long hair in a big bun aka ingénue from a black & white movie. She was so gentle that when she yelled at me I was even more happy and excited. My mom is this feisty artistic woman with an incredible logic, huge emotions and grit. Her dad was very intense and put her and her sister in the clay target shooting as kids - what a good idea for little girls!! But who knew my granddad would totally get it. My dad is a mix of masculine and very feminine where he would go fishing for days because it would bring him joy, spend time cooking, and enjoy nature - he moved to the countryside after his retirement where he keeps chickens, bees and obviously goes fishing. So, I was exposed to this variety of archetypes and cherry picked my own personality traits from them all (or was involuntary imprinted with it).
I was never praised when little. Only “not good enough” - “you can do better” - “do whatever you want” (when I would annoy everyone with my quiet stubbornness). Never wore pink. For kindergarten graduation ceremony my mom made me this beautiful Liberty print dress in two shades of blue!! I think I only recently realized that I was upset about it being baby blue and navy. I never was told that something is feminine and something is masculine. I was never discouraged pursuing things. My mom would tell me that I didn’t like playing with dolls, until I explained her I hated the particular doll so very much not because I didn’t like it, but because it was given to me after the adenoids operation. I just resented everyone for leaving me at the hospital for a few days and making me suffer that removal, so I took it all out on the poor doll. My mom still keeps it. Instead of toys, I played with fabric leftovers. To my family’s embarrassment, my most exciting moments were inspecting fancy outfits when we went out. Let’s say, to see the Nutcracker: I would quietly but in awe come up to the exquisitely dressed woman to touch her skirt with my tiny fingers.
Each of us has our own idea of the feminine, and it starts in our childhood. Once you accept it and cultivate both of your - feminine and masculine energies within you to be a more mature, confident personality - you become softer and more magnetic, even wearing men’s clothing. I would say, the stronger you feel inside, the more you are willing to be fragile and vulnerable with people to whom you want to show that side of yours. Through your masculine discover your feminine and drop all the prejudices - what is right - or what is pretty. You are incredible just as you are. From inside out.
> PLAY WITH JUXTAPOSITIONS. Avoid the boring, the usual, clichés, popular brands, habits and never ask what everyone thinks. Don’t even read popular fashion magazines. Or make it your own. Femininity is also inspiration, that innately incorporates surprise and creativity. Only pink, pastels, girly and sugary is very flat and boring. It takes the game out of life. You kind of know the rest of the story already. And if you mix in the opposite elements - it heats up. So, I would say - always mix the contradictions to create this amazing sentiment of the unexpected.
Nature and culture. Elements of nature and wilderness mixed into something logic, constructed and architectural. Embroidery on austere garment. Natural light and plants in your aesthetically clean space. Disheveled hair with a strict outfit. Totally bare face framed with clothing of extraordinary quality. Raffia or Bamboo accessories with grey flannel pajama type suit and loafers. A huge branch of a willow tree you found after the storm laying on the ground and now it’s blooming in your bedroom.
Feminine + Masculine. Contemporary women live in a very masculine world. I was surprised that 50% of women never come back to their work after having kids. I think we need to create our own spaces that generate us happiness and let us pay our bills. I assume there are ways to balance this out. To merge those two worlds. To never lose your independence and never become a stressed out robot (it’s called hustling). Someone I know started to bake cookies from home with her little one in her lap and sell it on women working from home app. Inspire yourself and people around you. I remember my friend telling me a story about a stay-at-home mom of two: one day this woman noticed her husband drifting away. When confronted he told her “find something to do.” After a while she started making ceramics, and that somehow brought back magic and happy feeling into her family. You are the sexiest when you are in your element. Don’t settle. Spice it up. Firstly for yourself.
Old and new. Different vintages. Minimal and eclectic. Eastern Asian aesthetics and French style. Create your own universe. Or hire someone to do this for you. I like when it’s personal: when you have your memories framed, your flea market finds your traveling trophies incorporated next to your adolescence relics.
Childish things and the sophisticated (art, furniture, technology). State of the art Bang & Olufsen mixed with your kids' drawings in a white frame on a big format. Or Cy Twombly, if you have the budget. Or a colorful mended sweater paired with Manolos.
Random elements in something deeply familiar. It reveals your personality and this sweet soft confidence - to make non-ordinary combinations. Let’s say, a completely minimal apartment with just one tiny island of color and exuberance at the entrance.
As well as mass products mixed with exclusive - smart with pretty - raw with glamorous.
> EMBRACE VULNERABILITY. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Don’t hide. That’s a waste of time. If you like wearing your old grandma's crochet blouses (I do!), wear them with pride.
Your image is most often constructed to wall you from the world. To protect you. Not to open and invite others to reach out for you. Try to flip it around. I was into Phoebe’s Philo “invisibility” philosophy for the last 10 years. And then one day something clicked, and I rediscovered the bright again (anyway, no one makes that cool mash-up style clothing of hers anymore). Now, if I don’t wear color - I spray flowery perfume to make it warm and inviting (who do I invite?! - my own happiness, of course). And I didn’t wear perfume for the last 10 years. This blank slate gave me time to foster something very strong to lean on inside of me, go through the process of effacing myself, and rediscover this insouciance - a naive childish way of being fragile, genuine and totally not afraid of anything. No expectations (to avoid disappointment), living here and now (because living in the future is painful - it might never happen), enjoying small moments right this minute (because nothing will bring you more joy then what’s under your nose). How do you translate it with your clothes? You just play with details and in a creative, shocking manner, you wake up those around you, and firstly - yourself. I found this fascinating quote that kind of binds it all in one for me: […] when we talk about compassion we talk about being kind. But compassion is not so much about being kind; it’s being creative [enough] to wake a person up. So, here is one more mash-up for you - being open, creative and warm is first of all a spiritual process, but it can bleed into all the facets of your life.
> ALWAYS GIVE FIRST. This goes a long way in business, in life and - in love. The most valuable things you will ever receive will always come from something you planted with your heart years ago and forgot. How do you translate that in your environment? By not clinging onto things. Cherishing experiences and people. Not being frugal with encouragement for those around you, learning how to listen and supporting people. By purging your space and your closet. I will leave this one short, as I think it’s pretty self explanatory 💛.
> LIVE WITH EXCITEMENT. “Hell, YES” mantra. If you feel that you are drowning in your comfortable life - rethink it - and do something crazy interesting (without hurting yourself!). Inspiration is also courage. Excitement can hide in the right shade of color. In a new disruptive brand that translates your values. A plant that will bloom one day but you don’t know yet how. New underwear that you never thought you even try (too slutty). A book that your friend gave you when you complained you haven’t had time for fiction lately. Can excitement be only white - or only black? I feel like most often it has a hint of color?! But where? Walls? Skirt? Lips or nails? Kitchen cupboard pictures? Eye liner? Body wash? Bright bed linen? Or just your own personal warmth in juxtaposition with your tuxedo and perforated loafers. That’s why we named our styling Instagram SO EXCITING. Turn your anxiety into excitement. Define your standards and never back down. It’s OK to feel unhappy and be in pain, that will make you love your life more later. And if it’s hard to go through the darkness - always reach out. You would be surprised how often people feel the same, and what a relief to discover it.
Beautiful things have something special about them. To be precise - all things, people, sounds and views are to be appreciated. But some have more magic than others. Find those for yourself and enjoy. And don’t forget to share it with others - that’s part of the feast.
I remember temporary moving back to Vilnius from Paris years ago. It was October, raining, all the nature was going into this brown mushy substance that I found so incredibly beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes from it. And that’s the most depressing season for Lithuanians. It took me a journey through cultures to truly appreciate melancholic wandering moments of dying plants merging with a dirty sky. When you are marinating in your routines, life becomes boring. Especially it’s not easy when you are overwhelmed with stress. Then I seek tiny ceremonial or artistic expressions in everyday moments. A cup of tea with your friend. Or in front of your laptop. Or in your car while going to an assignment. Soothing time of looking at the city from your rooftop, noticing shades of tins, gutters, weeds germinating through the cracks, birds and chimneys. New millimetres of a plant growing in your kitchen: now I have this small seed that has just sprouted - I don’t remember what it is, but it’s so exciting seeing it get bigger everyday. A photograph of flowers that remind you of your childhood framed in a big format on your wall. Little ribbons on a sleeve of your otherwise very masculine Chanel jacket (I took them off but planning to sew them back on again). Julia Child as inspiration for your Aix-en-Provence recipe folder. Sensual things, moments, music, memories - they have this quality of transporting you out of the ordinary into your imagination where everything is possible. FEEL MORE and translate this into your spaces - looks - and that will shift your state of mind. I think femininity is a metaphor of this sensitive eye that notices and celebrates simple moments. Amplifying the beauty of everyday life.
Steps to reformulate your feminine:
Answer this - are you worried about something? Is it important? Take steps to get rid of the stress because it steals your radiance. I've lived for years soaking in adrenaline and cortisol to the point of getting so tense and jittery that I felt in someone else’s body and talked to that person as it hasn't been me (Hey, Yurga, the eleventh cup of coffee to finish this up?).
What makes you ecstatic right at this moment when you look in the mirror? Your hair? Your jewelry? Your smile? Your imperfect, crooked teeth?
Are you a slave of your things? Or more of a slave of your own happiness? What makes you happy? For me it’s the feeling that I am not lying to myself.
Is there anyone who inspires you? Can you be that person? Like NOW?
Yes! We are rolling!
Email me if you need more provocative questions to peel those layers towards your true self.
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#juxtapositions #theparadoxoflife
AND here are the things that excite me right now >
1) Brené Brown on Netflix: about gratitude, courage and, of course - vulnerability. Moved me so much. To live that joyful and wholehearted life you want.
2) Call My Agent! series - French, feisty, sexy! I had such a good time watching them. For a moment I got upset for not living in France anymore. “Turning 40 for an actress is like being 60 for a regular woman or turning 80 for a guy.” Highly recommended. Very funny.
3) Non-stick fry pan for one person. Having too much trouble with the steel one. A pan for one person makes you a real grown-up.
4) Gyokuro: a gentle sweet green tea. Grown in the shade which gives it this lush forest color thanks to the extra chlorophyll and makes it very caffeinated. Really good!
5) Book on Les Chandelles - the most exclusive club échangiste, or swingers’ club, in Paris. Valérie Hervo spills it all out. Delicious.
6) Schwamm drüber! That’s what my friend Lina says to me when I am upset. I finally wrote down the spelling on a post-it and now have it on my kitchen cupboard in the middle of the pink cartoon cats. When I am really upset, I look at those cartoon cats and tell them to go swimming. They laugh at me. And we all laugh together.
7) Liftoff book on Elon Musk. I've never bought into this whole adoration of his persona, but falling for it more and more lately. It feels like he lives as he truly wants to.
8) Rose incense from Nippon Koda - got it for Valentine’s day - and it made my days truly magic. Read about their respect for ingredients and craftsmanship here.
9) A good tip for no-make-up make-up > try lash strengthening & volumizing Chanel mascara primer. Proved (works) and approved! A very cool concept & pretty packaging.
10) Sex diaries by The Cut. Waiting for them every Friday. Anonymous real New Yorkers document their sex life during one week. Love this one’s a lot: it is true, old marrieds do have sex.