edit: JUNE (2020)
hey there,
Since my last letter a lot of things have steered unexpected ways. Or if you consider how the human psyche works, I would say - predictable but shockingly uncomfortable directions. Riots after weeks of sitting in a lockdown, fearing to get infected or losing your job. The least enjoyable WAYS resulting in itchy questions or perhaps just confirming how societies work. Everything that we see happen could benefit from a collective psychotherapy. Which is kind of impossible, as it would require a total, complete, worldwide living soul software reset. It’s like we just discovered that our realities are projected on the stone wall in a cave. Anyway, it’s a long and painful discussion with no answers. How funny.
Change is always positive, that’s my stand. It gets you out of the status quo. It moves waters. It brings new ideas. It inspires people to move their asses, rethink the "normal". It gives new meaning to your life and new aspects of it to savor. Because our brain gets accustomed to routines and constantly longs for newness.
Right now, as a society, we are trying to cancel the “you can’t sit with us” concept. This constant comparison among peers. Which is a core idea of all societies? How fucking radical is it?
AND who are we anyway? What are we doing on this earth? Birdwatching. Race and power, nationalism, gender, cultures, prejudice, inequality are always nearby. Road longer and rockier, born with a silver spoon - questions we want to bypass? Helicopters circling in your neighborhood. Life will always be uncertain. People are human. There is no other word to describe it, to translate the grit and the fragility of us - human sums it up so well. We are all alive. We are all kids, we all seek pleasure, recognition by a parent figure. There will always be deviance and violence in societies, said Emile Durkheim. AND suddenly I see a very grim picture: no eternal love, no eternal life, no equality. Just a taste of moments of joy, savoring a view of the sun go down and flower petals touch the ground, or experiencing love that comes to an end, or ecstasy that sometimes boils up to riots in the streets & ends up breaking windows with bricks to release the anger.
7.594 billion people (2018) with the need of being heard, appreciated, hugged, loved, cared for. What drama do we live in - coronavirus made it all so raw and so exposed. But this is kind of how we operate, isn't it? We bottle it up until it steams out with a boom, AND then we move forward.
YES, we need to have a conversation, let it all out, and stop spending life doing things we don’t want, playing a plastered society that is a little domino house. I was blown away when I heard that fifty thousand of retired hospital workers signed up in NYC to help fight the virus. How amazing is that?! They are all seniors - risking their lives to save yours. Being sentimental & naive vs being greedy / and selfish. Caring for others and not only for yourself. Facts vs opinions. Power vs empathy. Stepping into someone else's shoes. Violence and pure ecstasy of being intimate with someone you have just met. I always confront people, I don’t like repressing my feelings, however, I also kneel and hug, and touch your cheek, and call you everyday to know how you are doing. What about you? Are you living with an open heart? “I am just a dreamer but you are just a dream.” DO I SOUND like a kid?! Tell me what you think!!
This all sucks but also makes me feel good. 2020 is on fire.
Goodnight. x
// June 2020
& my soothing list:
1) Falling asleep to Philip Glass. Stormy, comforting, almost cathartic. Put it on my phone and switch it off just before I pass out.
2) Branching into colors. I’ve just repainted one of my studio walls into soft peachy orange. It looks a bit cheesy, unusual for an addict of white. A bit like a golden hour sunbath, it makes me strangely alive. AND then, the next step - surround yourself with freshly cut irises, astilbes, and lilacs. Killing combination for those who suffer from migraines (me), but you just put them away from your bedroom or hide in the shower. Wearing pink and yellow dresses is a whole new level of fun.
3) Ruth Lewandowski Wines and their Cuvée Rosé Zero, 2018. The name of the company was taken from a book in the old testament that addresses the cycle of life and death, reflecting Evan’s (the owner’s) belief that wine is alive but also springs from death. “There is beautiful organic and / or biodynamic fruit that is grown only to be pulled in, inoculated and manipulated to high holy hell”, that’s why Evan makes it without any added sugar or alcohol, and doesn’t spray his vines with Roundup as well.
4) Making meringues, which is my favorite pastry choice, but, unfortunately I am failing every time I make them. Remember my mum baking them with us, when we were small and plunging their white airy sharp peak into liquid glaze. Work in progress.
5) Listening to Mariana Mazzucato theories.
6) Hiking with Stephanie on Mulholland drive and spying David Hockney’s studio through the fence. Him on living in LA: “I guess I have always been running away from London, too many distractions, I want just to work, to do my work”.
7) Preserving lemons. AKA making something else than lemonade out of lemons life gave us in 2020.
8) Enjoying my Panic Button bracelet. AND not panicking that much anymore.
9) Smiling more than usual.
10) Wearing slippery dresses to be able to undress more quickly.
+ ALSO >
NEWS WITH NO NOISE from Jessica Yellin
A Reckoning At Bon Appetit edition on THE SPORKFUL
& visual board for June: